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mig 41 fighter

Mig 41 Fighter - Known as the PAK DP, the aircraft was designed to replace the MiG-31, but high costs could make the project unviable.

Despite a smaller budget than in the Soviet era, the Russian Air Force has invested in new aircraft programs such as the Su-57, the country's first fifth-generation fighter. In addition to the Sukhoi aircraft, it is understood that a PAK DA stealth bomber is also being deployed, which is considered to be a flying wing similar to the USAF B-2. However, a more ambitious program is still underway, the PAK DP, also called the MiG-41, a large interceptor tasked with replacing the MiG-31 in service.

Mig 41 Fighter

Mig 41 Fighter

However, little is known about this project. In 2016, MiG chief Sergei Korotkov stated during an event in South America: "From 2028, the MiG-31 interceptor fighter will not exist... We have time to build a new aircraft as a replacement."

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Last year, the general director of the builder, Ilya Tarasenko, revealed that the project should be completed by 2019. "This plane will use new types of weapons, it will be built with new stealth technologies, it will be able to carry a large amount of weapons This executive director said: It will operate in a very large interception radius.

A few weeks ago, the website Avia.Pro announced that the PAK DP should complete its first test flight in 2023 and make the maiden flight in 2025. It cites every source to support this statement.

With no official information to date, the MiG-41 is the subject of many rumors. It is expected that this fighter meets the requirements to be considered the sixth generation, but it is not clear what the performance of this aircraft is.

If your mission is long-range interception, like the MiG-31, a large plane is expected to allow significant autonomy - Russia's 17 million square kilometer territory requires this feature. Rumors indicated supersonic speed, but this would make the project more expensive, since very few aircraft needed to be ordered.

D Model Mig 41

It is true that the PAK DP must have stealth features, but more importantly, its avionics suite is capable of detecting multiple long-range targets without revealing their position to a high-powered AESA-type radar. These weapons will certainly include hypersonic missiles, a task now handled by the MiG-31, as well as laser cannons under development.

Due to all the complexities involved in the project, which has been studied since 2013, there is considerable disbelief in the West about the ability of the MiG-41 to become a reality. If you follow in the footsteps of the Su-57, which took years to enter serial production, the future interceptor may never be seen.

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Mig 41 Fighter

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Should The Us Be Concerned About Russia's Mig 41?

MSK Maritime Services & Trading, responsible for the hull of the former aircraft carrier NAe São Paulo from ... While the US military has always been three, if not five steps ahead of its opponents in the development of technological advances in his equipment, this is not the case. . This means that other countries are not trying to catch up with us.

. But with the unveiling of a concept design for Russia's next-generation fighter jet, dubbed the MiG-41 - which, according to speculation - is equipped with an incredible supersonic speed of Mach 4.3, it looks like a load of shit .

Little is known about this sixth-generation stealth interceptor, but according to reports, the PAK DP (also known as the MiG-41) is the planned successor to the "prolific" Soviet MiG-31, nicknamed the "Foxhound."

In 2018, Mikoyan CEO Ilya Tarasenko told Russian journalists that the MiG-41 was in the "experimental design phase," adding that the PAK-DP was estimated to be completed in ten years.

Experimental Aircraft Mig 41 Russia\

Note that he stated this four years ago, and no official update has been released.

However, you should know that "complement" here does not guarantee serial production. So with this deadline looming, it seems unlikely that we will see the MiG-41 flying anytime soon. We also have to consider how the project has been kept under wraps since it was first announced, and little information has been shared with the public to date.

The following year, Tarasenko revealed that the PAK-DP plan had finally been approved. However, the appearance remained a mystery, except for the information that it used the sophisticated MiG-31 as its base. But unlike its predecessor, the MiG-41 will apparently have an incredible speed of Mach 4-4.3 and a cruising speed of almost Mach 3. In theory, this is an aircraft of the next level, potentially surpassing the legendary record of speed SR-71 "Blackbird".

Mig 41 Fighter

Russian media reported that the MiG-41 will also be built to climb to such high altitudes that it will be able to fly into space - making the supersonic aircraft even more realistic. .

The Mig 31 Is Aging Like Fine Wine, But It's Still Old

The problem with flying at these speeds is that the friction of the air on the skin of the plane melts, unless the metal skin is made specifically. In the SR-71 Blackbird, the titanium alloy B-120 VCA can withstand temperatures of more than 600 degrees. It also had to protect the inside from melting due to the heat. As a result, at least 3 types of titanium alloy have been used in aircraft. Blackbird tires were made of latex and aluminum and filled with nitrogen to over 400 psi. It also requires fuel and special fluids. The jet fuel used in the Blackbird had to withstand extreme temperatures without exploding, and the empty space in the tanks had to be filled with nitrogen during fuel consumption to prevent the vapors from exploding. This fuel was about 3 times more expensive than the fuel used in other jets. The seals and gaskets on the Blackbird had to be metal, no plastic or rubber could withstand the heat, so the fuel leaked all over the runway until the heat generated in flight caused the metal to expand and seal the tanks.

While Russia has not released any images of the plane, it could be building these legends about what it can do for years. If they really wanted to make the point that they could do these things, they would have shown the design of the canopy, which is one of the most difficult design challenges in such an aircraft. Building supersonic aircraft is much more than putting a big engine in a plane.

It is highly doubtful that Russia will build a large number of aircraft that require very expensive fuel and hundreds of hours of maintenance for every hour in the air.

In the technology industry, they coined the term "software" to refer to products that "remain mostly in the concept stage" and often "fail and never reach the market" - and the MiG-41 is now in production. in the name of one

What's The Truth Behind Russia's Mig 41 Super Stealth Fighter?

In 2021, he said that with the unrealistic performance of the MiG-41, the conversion to a steamer was not surprising. Despite an update from Rostec (a Russian state-owned military technology company) in January of that year that development had already begun, it seems that "the MiG-41 could be planned remotely and even make its first flight by 2025."

Moreover, it is also impossible at this rate to replace the MiG-31 at the end of this decade. It is ridiculous that some Western analysts support this fact and say that the characteristics of the MiG-41 require tons of money. It might happen, but it won't be until "about mid-century." Not this decade; This is simply not acceptable

"This is not a fairy project, this is a long-term project for MiG, and now we are doing intensive work under the auspices of UAC [United Aviation Corporation] and we will present it to the public soon," said Tarasenko. . TASS in 2018.

Mig 41 Fighter

This perfectly illustrates why this new advanced fighter jet is more likely to be Russian propaganda than a sensible future warplane.

Russia Developing Fifth Generation Fighter Interceptor Mig 41

Speed ​​is one thing, but these jets are built to fight, not to race. Good, reliable next-generation jets must have at least three of these critical aspects, including:

Even if Russia meets the design and engineering requirements of this ridiculous platform and continues production, it will need loads and loads of money to even operate it. Russia's real stealth fighter, the Sukhoi SU-57 built in 2012, does not fill the Russian skies, the program is very late. Russia had to order hundreds of SU-57, they have only 3-4 in service.

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