Mig Super Fighter - The Mikoyan MiG-35 (Russian: Микоян МиГ-35; NATO reporting name: Fulcrum-F) is a Russian multirole fighter designed by Mikoyan, a division of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC). Marketed as a 4++ generation jet fighter, it is a further development of the MiG-29M/M2 and MiG-29K/KUB fighters.

According to a Russian defense industry source, the Mikoyan MiG-35 is an upgraded version of the MiG-29KR.

Mig Super Fighter

Mig Super Fighter

The first prototype was a modification of the aircraft that previously served as the MiG-29M2 demonstration model with the temporary designation MiG-35, and the later was another type with different equipment that served as the basis for the MiG-35 as it is known. . . Mikoyan officially piloted the MiG-35 around the world during the 2017 Moscow Air Show;

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The fighter has improved avionics and weapon systems compared to the MiG-29 version, notably a new guided targeting capability and a specially designed optical locator system that makes the aircraft operationally independent of ground-based control systems. independent multi-role mission. The latest design aircraft uses a PESA radar and there is also an option for an AESA radar.

In the late 1980s, there were mentions of unique designs, also called "MiG-35". This design was a single-engine fighter for air-to-air and secondary air-to-ground roles. According to anonymous Indian sources, this aircraft was tested by Indian pilots in the Soviet Union and was probably recommended as an alternative to the Indian LCA then under development.

Russia introduced the MiG-29M model, which received the MiG-35 short-term marketing and export designation at the 2007 Aero India Air Show in Bangalore,

Amid Moscow's desire to sell these planes to India. The MiG-35 competed against the Eurofighter Typhoon, Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, Dassault Rafale, Saab JAS 39 Grip and Geral Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon in India's MRCA competition for 126 multirole combat aircraft. will be purchased by the Indian Air Force. Faults in the MiG-35's radar and its RD-33MK engines led to the fighter being withdrawn from the competition in April 2011.

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In August 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced that the 37 billion ruble ($1.1 billion) purchase would be delayed until 2016 due to the continued contraction of the government's 2014–2016 arms program.

In August 2015, Colonel Geral Viktor Bondarev, commander of the Russian Air and Space Forces, said that development of the MiG-35 would be completed in 2017; testing of the service will follow in 2018.

Government testing of the MiG-35 is expected to begin in 2017 and be completed in mid-2018, after which series production of the aircraft would begin.

Mig Super Fighter

According to Viktor Bondarev, the Russian space forces plan to replace the entire fleet of light fighters with MiG-35s, so they need about 170 such aircraft.

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On January 26, 2017, Mikoyan presented the new MiG-35 to the Russian government at a demonstration for foreign buyers, which was highly publicized the next day.

Significant improvements to the MiG-35 include a new fly-by-wire system, a significantly improved cockpit, significantly upgraded avionics, and a highly targeted air-to-ground weapon capability. The MiG-35 is equipped with a Russian non-removable electro-optical targeting and control system NPK-SPP OLS-K, which is attached directly to the aircraft under the right (right) side fuselage nacelle in front of the elevators. This demonstrated an overall design philosophy that provides a greater degree of operational independence for the MiG-35 compared to previous Russian aircraft.

In July 2017, during the international air show MAKS 2017, the Russian Ministry of Defense agreed to purchase 24 MiG-35 aircraft under the new government program for the period 2018-2027. Six of the 24 MiG-35s will replace the aging MiG-29s of the Russian Swifts aerobatic team.

On August 22, 2018, during the international military-technical forum "ARMIJA-2018", the first contract for six MiG-35s was signed.

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On June 17, 2019, the Russian Aerospace Forces received the first two production MiG-35 aircraft, which marked the introduction of this variant into service.

At MAKS 2019, Mikoyan presented a full-size MiG-35 with a modified tail fin intended for the export market.

According to Tarask, this new version has a more refined airframe geometry, an upgraded Klimov RD-33MK engine with a total thrust of nine tons, an advanced electro-optical reconnaissance system and an active array radar (AESA) capability. track up to 30 at a time. In addition, the RAC MiG press release also offers "renewed mission equipment" and "some modifications for the needs of international customers." The model also showed a new top screen with an extra wide field of view, which is part of the new. equipment package for the Ramskoye PKB mission.

Mig Super Fighter

By April 2010, images and other information had emerged of the new MiG-35 demonstrators, the single-seat MiG-35 "961" and the two-seat MiG-35D "967". According to Russian media reports, they flew for the first time in the fall of 2009, and then participated in MMRCA testing in India in October 2009. All of them are very similar to the previous MiG-29K/KUB aircraft, but the difference is immediately visible, it is installed on the hook, the finger on the hydroplane.

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According to this, the MiG-35D "967" appears to be equipped with the same AESA radar as was installed on the old MiG-35 "154" demonstrator, recognizable by its dark gray short nose.

According to United Aviation Corporation designer Sergei Korotkov on September 6, 2016, the first MiG-35s will be delivered in November 2016 to the Russian Air Force for flight testing to confirm the aircraft's technical characteristics.

The first of these two aircraft, the single-seat MiG-35 "702", made its first flight on 24 November 2016, followed by the two-seat MiG-35UB "712" in December 2016.

On 26 January 2017, MiG officially presented one of the two pre-production aircraft, the MiG-35UB "712", to the Russian government, followed by a presentation to overseas customers the following day.

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The latest MiG-35 looked a little different from the one launched in 2007: the plane is said to have no AESA radar or thrust vector control, presumably due to the low price, so as not to discourage foreign buyers.

In July 2017, MiG General Director Ilya Tarasko told the media: "We are currently testing, and according to the results we will start mass production. Serial production will start in the next two years."

In February 2017, it was announced that a contract had been signed for the production of two pre-production aircraft to join the trials. It was also expected that national trials would begin at the Chkalov State Flight Test Center in Akhtubinsk that same year.

Mig Super Fighter

In February 2018, MiG Aircraft Corporation announced that it had completed factory testing of the MiG-35, and the Certificate of Completion was signed in December 2017.

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In May 2018, the head of the United Aviation Corporation Jurij Sljusar announced that state tests of the MiG-35 had begun.

In April 2019, testing of the MiG-35UB "11" began. This is the first of two additional pre-production aircraft ordered in February 2017.

In May 2021, the MiG-35 received its first limited production certificate since it passed national testing, said director of the MiG-29M and MiG-35 Aviation Programs Directorate at MiG Aircraft Corporation Musheg Baloyan. reported by TASS on May 5, 2021.

The MiG-35/MiG-35D incorporates the advancements of the MiG-29K/KUB and MiG-29M/M2 fighters in combat performance, university and operational capability improvements.

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The main features of the new design are fifth-generation information detection systems, compatibility with Russian and foreign weapon systems, and integrated integrated systems that reduce the increase in combat survivability. This new design goes beyond the design of the first model and allows the new aircraft to perform the full range of functions of Western aircraft.

The new avionics are expected to help the MiG-35 achieve air superiority, conduct all-weather ground operations, aerial surveillance with optoelectronic and radar equipment, and conduct joint enemy missions.

The MiG-35 is powered by two FADEC RD-33MK Morskaya Osa (Russian: Морская Оса, literally: "Sea Wasp" or Chironex fleckeri) turbofans. The RD-33MK is a highly modified and modern version of the Klimov RD-33 turbofan and is designed to power the MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB. It has 7% more power compared to the first model due to the use of modern materials in the cooled blades, giving it a maximum of 9000 kgf. In response to previous criticism, the new generators are smokeless and include systems that reduce infrared and optical visibility.

Mig Super Fighter

According to episode 160 of the Russian military film "Combat Approved", plans for a thrust vector version of the MiG-35 were canceled due to increased weight and the need to reduce costs.

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A previously planned thrust vectoring version of the MiG-35 was said to include thrust vectoring nozzles that could direct thrust on two different axes.

In January 2017, during a conference call with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Yuri Sljusar, the chairman of the UAC, said that the MiG-35 could use a range of laser weapons in the future.

The MiG-35 is also designed to be able to fire the Kh-36 Grom-1 cruise missile, giving it a long-range strike capability that the MiG-29 lacks.

The MiG-35 has a glass cockpit with night vision goggles, an

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